
Oh sweet goodness how I hate association. It destroys a perfectly amazing romantic song, an awesome sunset, or a fantastic long drive. It kills many other things, but I have only faced these three. Something or the other always comes in the way, and the mind begins forming the chain of memories back to a hurtful past, or a melancholic situation, and you can't come out of it for a day or so because the impact is so strong. After all, the strength of the impact is the reason why you remember it even now.

The mind doesn't forget, and that is something that irritates me. Why the hell can't it remember what we want it to, and forget the rest? I wish I were like Sherlock, and filter what I want to remember and what I don't. That would be the ideal situation, and hence, my life would be so much more peaceful than it is now. Don't get me wrong ... I'm quite fine. Except for the random bouts of sadness that just hit, and I can't do anything about it because we're a slave to our own freakin' minds.

You could say our minds have a mind of their own ... or something to that effect. It just sucks. Don't they have surgeries to get rid of memories? Or some drugs? Anything at all ... I guess it's the desperation to forget that drives some people to drink or do drugs. Most do it just for fun, but some need it, rather than want it. I am nowhere close to that, and (hopefully) will never reach it, but I sure have sympathy for those some people.

I can feel another association coming up, thanks to the topic of alcohol ... Damn!