
Must passion be restricted to oneself? Why do people think that it's wrong to go public with what you like. They give weird reasons like 'Seeking validation', 'It's not a passion anymore', and what not. If someone likes to paint, and they start painting for people, to be known for what they do, doesn't it still remain a valid passion? A hobby?

Not everyone likes to keep stuff they like to themselves. There are many who like to show off to the world something they're proud of. I don't think (sincerely) there is anything wrong with showing (within certain limits). There are many things. Music, art ... it can even be a person. If you're proud of your friends, you can always proudly introduce them to other people.

It's not everyday that you get to meet passionate people, and I feel bad for people who don't have a drive, a motivation, a passion in their lives. They lack the soul ingredient which makes life worth living. The lack the 'thing' in their life. If you take away the less important things from them, they'll lose 70% of their being, because they 'don't' have that important thing to give them release.